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CAD TRAINING ONLINE has searched the world for the best teachers so you don’t have to.
We have the world’s best Autodesk Certified Instructors ready to help you reach your training goals.
We are all dedicated to helping you reach your goal of learning to use
Autodesk design, BIM, and analysis software.
Autodesk Certified Instructors are certified professionals and recognized for their product mastery and instructional skills. Autodesk Certified Instructors (ACI) have demonstrated instructional and delivery skills. They have the product knowledge needed to meet industry standards and lead courses in an instructional setting. ACI certification badges are issued and validated by reputable organizations that certify the instructor’s badge information is accurate and up-to-date.
Learning Partners are preferred training providers invested in, and committed to, inspiring learners who want to imagine, design, and create a better world.
To earn an Autodesk Certified Instructor (ACI) certification, an instructor must be an Affiliated Instructor with a qualified Learning Partner:
Autodesk Certified Instructors can display their globally recognized Acclaim digital certification badge across websites, social media profiles, and blogs. ACIs can also display the Autodesk Learning Partner logo as defined in the ATC Program Guide or AAP Program Guide.
ACI Program Tiers
Instructors are required to meet minimum program requirements to earn an ACI certification. ACI Instructors who maintain ACI certification continuously, for more than 3-years, will also earn an ACI Tier award. ACI Instructors are required to meet minimum annual requirements to maintain ACI certification at all tier levels.
ACI Tier Earned | ACI Maintenance Requirement |
SILVER ACI | ACI Certification is maintained annually for 3 years |
GOLD ACI | ACI Certification is maintained annually for 6 years |
PLATINUM ACI | ACI Certification is maintained annually for 9 years |
Requirements to earn ACI Standard Certification
- Must be an Affiliated Instructor with an authorized, active Autodesk Learning Partner
- Complete Autodesk Global Instructor Authorization Form and Approved Instructor requirements
- Obtain an Autodesk Instructor ID Number from an affiliated Learning Partner
- Create an Autodesk Learning Central User Profile; log in to ALC; review the site’s navigation
- Complete Autodesk Learning Central Course ID: CRS-16-11138
- Course Subject Matter: continuing professional development training, improving instructional skills, and instructional methodologies
- Active Use of Autodesk Training Evaluation System (TES)
- Instructor’s active use must be within 3 months of Approved Instructor authorization
- Approved Instructor authorization is noted in the Instructor’s TES Profile
- Must enroll in all Autodesk Software Product courses taught in TES
- Must provide course surveys to all training participants via TES
Requirements to maintain ACI Standard Certification
- Must be an Affiliated Instructor with an authorized, active Autodesk Learning Partner
- Active use of Autodesk Learning Central instructor development platform
- Active Use of Autodesk Training Evaluation System (TES)
- Instructor’s ACI certification and products authorized to train are noted in Instructor’s TES Profile
- Enrolled courses for all Autodesk Software Product courses taught
- Provided course surveys to all training participants via TES
- Maintain the minimum instructor satisfaction rating in TES during the Program Year
- Teach a minimum of Autodesk product training; enroll courses in TES and provide surveys to training participants for each course delivered via TES
- Complete Autodesk Learning Central Course ID: CRS-16-11138
- Complete a minimum of ALC Product or Industry Courses
- The course topic must be Autodesk Software Product workflow
- Course(s) must align with the product(s) ACI is authorized to train
- In countries where localized product or industry training is not available, Instructor can substitute appropriate Future of Making Industry course(s) to meet the requirement
- Complete a minimum of ALC course topics for continuing professional development training and improving instructional skills or methodologies:
- Complete Autodesk Instructor Training the Trainer e-Course
- Complete one (1) Future of Making Industry course
- Complete other ALC courses, defined by Autodesk as professional development or instructional methodologies courses
Requirements to earn ACI Silver, Gold, and Platinum Certification
- Must be an Affiliated Instructor with an authorized, active Autodesk Learning Partner
- Active use of Autodesk Learning Central instructor development platform
- Completion of annual requirements to maintain ACI certification each year for 3 years, 6 years, or 9 years respectively to earn the Silver, Gold, or Platinum ACI Tier
- Active Use of Autodesk Training Evaluation System (TES)
- Instructor’s ACI certification and products authorized to train are noted in Instructor’s TES Profile
- Enrolled courses for all Autodesk Software Product courses taught
- Provided course surveys to all training participants via TES
- Maintain the minimum instructor satisfaction rating in TES
- Teach a minimum of Autodesk product training; enroll courses in TES and provide surveys to training participants for each course delivered via TES
- Complete a minimum of ALC Product or Industry Courses
- The course topic must be Autodesk Software Product workflow
- Course(s) must align with the product(s) ACI is authorized to train
- In countries where localized product or industry training is not available, Instructor can substitute appropriate Future of Making Industry course(s) to meet this requirement
- Complete a minimum of ALC course topics for continuing professional development training and improving instructional skills or methodologies:
- Complete Autodesk Instructor Training the Trainer e-Course,
- Complete one (1) Future of Making Industry course; at minimum
- Complete other ALC courses, defined by Autodesk as professional development or instructional methodologies courses
- Proof of current Autodesk Certified User (ACU) product certification or Autodesk Certified Professional (ACP) product certification
- Product certification must align with the product(s) ACI is authorized to train.
- If ACU or ACP product certification is not available in the localized language, ACI will complete alternative ALC course(s) defined by Autodesk to meet this requirement.
- ACU or ACP product certification must be current (within the previous 5 years)
Requirements to maintain ACI Silver, Gold, and Platinum Certification
- Must be an Affiliated Instructor with an authorized, active Autodesk Learning Partner
- Active use of Autodesk Learning Central instructor development platform
- Active Use of Autodesk Training Evaluation System (TES)
- Instructor’s ACI certification and products authorized to train are noted in Instructor’s TES Profile
- Enrolled courses for all Autodesk Software Product courses taught
- Provided course surveys to all training participants via TES
- Maintain the minimum instructor satisfaction rating in TES during the Program Year
- Teach a minimum of Autodesk product training; enroll courses in TES and provide surveys to training participants for each course delivered via TES
- Complete a minimum of ALC Product or Industry Courses
- The course topic must be Autodesk Software Product workflow
- Course(s) must align with the product(s) ACI is authorized to train
- In countries where localized product or industry training is not available, the Instructor can substitute appropriate Future of Making Industry course(s) to meet this requirement
- Complete a minimum of ALC course topics for continuing professional development training and improving instructional skills or methodologies:
- Complete Autodesk Instructor Training the Trainer e-Course
- Complete one (1) Future of Making Industry course
- Complete other ALC courses, defined by Autodesk as professional development or instructional methodologies courses
ACI Instructors are required to meet minimum annual requirements to maintain ACI certification at all tier levels. ACI digital certification badge is issued to the ACIs on the Acclaim platform.
ACI Instructors can refer to the Authorized Training Center Program Guide or Authorized Academic Partner Program Guide for program minimum requirements and program benefits.
Affiliated Instructor means an Approved Instructor or ACI Instructor affiliated with an Autodesk Authorized Training Center (ATC) or Autodesk Authorized Academic Partner (AAP)
Approved Instructor means persons authorized by Autodesk to provide training and instruction on the use of Autodesk Software Products. In the case of E-Learning courses delivered electronically, persons authorized by Autodesk to serve as an E-Learning instructor–facilitator to answer student questions and oversee the E-Learning course offered for Autodesk Software Products; the course must meet all Qualifying Criteria as defined in the ATC or AAP Program Guide.